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The West Plains area was found to be one of the fastest growing areas in Washington State as defined in a final Research Report “Land Development Risks Along State Transportation Corridors” led by the University of Washington in a collaborative joint effort with WSDOT and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). The West Plains Subarea Transportation Management Plan Phase 1, US 2 Vicinity study recognizes the need to study and identify what is the best multimodal transportation network to keep up with the growing land use demand, particularly in and around US 2, and to collaboratively refine past study efforts and plan for potential “practical solutions” that can be jointly prioritized and programmed.

Targeted outcomes and goals

Previous West Plains Studies and Plans

Over 18 studies by various jurisdictions and agencies have been completed in the West Plains area since 2006. The following is a comprehensive list of the past studies and plans evaluated, refined, and incorporated into this study effort:

Study Process

A Technical Advisory Team (TAT) was developed for the study, comprised of professional staff from WSDOT and our study partner agencies (see the Contact / About Us page for more info on the study partners and TAT members). With regular meetings, the TAT provided technical assistance and made key decisions such as determining the methodology for this study. Every step of the study process was vetted though the TAT. The following provide foundational elements developed by the TAT to shape and guide the study.

Identifying “Success”

The TAT was asked at the beginning of the study: “What would success look like for partnering jurisdictions transportation needs in and around the West Plains?” During initial collaboration with the study partners, 21 “Guidelines for Success” were developed, with the following seven identified as areas of highest importance as selected by the TAT:


The TAT developed the following objectives as focus areas for the study:

The Focus Areas are Safety, Mobility, Quality of Life, Economic Vitality
West Plains Subarea transportation management study objectives’ focus areas.

Guiding Principles

Guiding principles developed for the study include:

Targeted Outcomes

The guiding principles led to the following targeted outcomes for the study: