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WSDOT online open houses

Additional Resources

The following are additional resources related to transportation in the West Plains.

West Plains Connection
Phase 2 of the West Plains Subarea Transportation Management Plan.

WSDOT TSMO Benefit Summary – Improving Connections to Transit Through Collaboration – West Plains Transit Center (PDF 348KB)

City of Airway Heights Downtown Strategic Plan (PDF 6MB)
Adopted: May 17, 2021

WSDOT Advancing Practical Solutions

WSDOT Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)

Driving a modern roundabout

Roundabouts are a central strategy used by the study. The following video provides guidance on navigating a modern roundabout.

Roundabouts in Continuous Motion

The city of Carmel in Indiana is turning all its intersections into roundabouts along with making roads safer while cutting down on gas costs and helping the environment.