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WSDOT online open houses

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WordPress admin:

Create a page

Create a new page and give it a title.

1.  Click Pages in the left menu

Pages in the left menu

2.  Click Add New at the top

Add New at the top

3.  If this is your open house home page, skip to step 4. Otherwise, select your open house from the Parent Page dropdown under Page Attributes in the right menu.

Parent Page under Page Attribues in the right menu

4.  Click the settings button above the editor window to toggle display of the right menu space

Pages in the left menu

5.  Enter your page title

Your page title

Add content to a new page

Add some basic content including a heading, some text and an image

1.  Click the plus button at the top

Plus button at the top

2.  Select Heading under Blocks

Heading under Blocks

3.  Select desired heading format and enter text

Enter your Heading content

4.  Click the plus button at the top

Plus button at the top

5.  Select Paragraph under Blocks

Paragraph under Blocks

6.  Enter your content to the right of the inline plus button

Enter your Paragraph content

7.  Click the plus button at the top

Plus button at the top

8.  Select Image under Blocks

Paragraph under Blocks

9.  Add your image

Add your image

10.  After selecting your image, select Full Size in the Resolution dropdown in the right menu space. This step is important, as selecting Full Size actuates lightbox functionality.

Image Size dropdown

11.  Add Alt Text in the right menu space

Image Alt Text value

1.  Highlight your link text

Highlight link text

2.  Click on the link button and enter the title of your page. If you are linking to external content, enter the URL of the page

Click link button and enter title

3.  Press enter or click bold link to apply

Click Apply

Embed a video

Add a video to your page.

1.  Click the plus button at the top

Plus button at the top

2.  Search for and select Custom HTML under Blocks

HTML under Blocks

3.  Enter the following code, replacing YOUR-YOUTUBE-ID with the ID of your YouTube video

<div class="youtube-container"><div class="youtube-player" data-id="YOUR-YOUTUBE-ID"></div></div>

For example: in the URL, oR_oSnHSL7k is the video ID

Enter your Heading content

Add a two-column block container

1.  Click the plus button at the top

Plus button at the top

2.  Search for and select Columns under Blocks

Select Group block

3.  Select the 50 / 50 variation

Select Group block

4.  Click the plus button in either column and select desired block

Note: columns will stack vertically on mobile, losing any horizontal relation

Edit your page

1.  Click Pages in the left menu, or click Edit this at the bottom of your page

Pages in the left menu

2.  Click on your page title under Pages

Your page title under Pages

Change the URL of your page

1.  Click the link to the right of URL in the right menu space to change the last part of your page's URL

Permalink in the right menu space

Style guide

View design documentation for common elements

WordPress documentation

For additional tips on how to add and update page content, please see the Wordpress Editor documentation.