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Safety oversight of rail fixed guideway system rulemaking

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WSDOT is proposing a change to Chapter 468-550 Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Safety oversight of rail fixed guideway system rules. The purpose of this change is to align the WAC with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as amended by 49 United States Code (U.S.C.) 5329, which requires state safety oversight agencies to conduct risk-based inspections of the rail fixed guideway public transportation systems they oversee. Specifically, state safety oversight agencies need the authority to enter the facilities of rail transit agencies to conduct both announced and unannounced inspections. Washington state is adopting the rules to be compliant with U.S.C.

To request translated versions of these documents, visit: Washington State Legislature Americans with Disabilities Act Information. You can translate this webpage into your preferred language by scrolling down to the bottom right-hand side of the page.

Project manager
Molly Hughes