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WSDOT online open houses

Why construction is happening

The work zones are necessary to maintain the movement of people and goods across the peninsula and Hood Canal.  They include projects that are related to WSDOT’s fish passage program. There are also critical projects and ongoing maintenance occurring to keep bridges operational and pavement up to standards. This work helps improve the resiliency of our highways.

Fish Barrier Removal Program

A fish passage barrier is anything that hinders fish from moving. Culverts, large pipes under roadways, allow water to flow but may not allow fish to swim through. Water might be too swift, too shallow, or has a waterfall into or out of the culvert.

We correct fish barriers on state highways to help salmon recovery. WSDOT also must follow with state laws. A federal court injunction also requires correction of barrier culverts to help fish.

Learn more in the latest Fish Passage Annual Report (PDF 9.3MB) and our YouTube video on fish passage restoration.