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WSDOT online open houses


Keeping you moving throughout construction

Construction crews will shift traffic in stages to build the project. Each traffic shift will last for several months. Crews will remove existing infrastructure and build new features.

At the Steilacoom-DuPont Interchange, three travel lanes on both directions of I-5 will remain open. Bike and pedestrian detours will be clearly marked.

Crews will complete Stage 2 of the project in April 2025. In Stage 2, crews shifted northbound I-5 lanes to new pavement and created a work zone between southbound and northbound traffic. Closed sections of northbound I-5 were widened and abutments were constructed for the future Steilacoom-DuPont Road overpass. Work continued at the future roundabout on Steilacoom-DuPont Road and the I-5 bridge over Pendelton Avenue was partially removed. Crews will begin Stage 3 in late March 2025.

New Steilacoom-DuPont Road ramp to northbound I-5

Travelers likely noticed the new on-ramp has a raised concrete island. It created a curve on the ramp to northbound I-5.

The new Steilacoom-DuPont Road ramp to northbound I-5 is a piece of a larger puzzle. The puzzle piece you don’t see yet is the new bridge across all lanes of I-5.

The raised island will serve a future purpose. It will help separate traffic coming from JBLM and DuPont when the new bridge opens.

The new span will open as a diverging diamond interchange in 2026.

So why was this change made now? The raised concrete island was built before the ramp opened to travelers. If crews built it later, the ramp would need a series of closures.

On left, new overpass is part of the I-5 construction at JBLM and DuPont. New ramp includes a chicane to slow travelers down before merging. On right, design visualization showing how the chicane fits into the overall plan.
Bird’s eye view (left) shows new on-ramp. Design visualization (right)
shows how chicane will fit into the overall plan.

Stage 3: March 2025 – early 2026

In late March, crews will shift southbound I-5 lanes towards the median and create new work zones on the shoulder. These temporary lane shifts allow crews room to advance the work on the project. During stage 3, crews will:

An aerial photo showing lane shifts on Interstate 5 and the Steilacoom-DuPont Road overpass. Girders will be set over I-5 just north of the existing overpass.
The graphic shows work completed as of February 2025 and where the new bridge girders will be installed during two weekends of night closures in April. The girders for the new overpass will be installed north of the current Steilacoom-DuPont overpass.
An aerial photo showing lane shifts on Interstate 5 at Pendleton Avenue. Southbound I-5 is shifted to the inside of the road while northbound I-5 is shifted to the outside.
The graphic shows the northwest portion of the I-5 overpass at Pendleton Avenue that will be rebuilt beginning in spring 2025. To accommodate the work, southbound I-5 has been shifted to the middle of the roadway. By the end of the project, the entire I-5 overpass at Pendleton Avenue will be rebuilt to provide additional clearance for vehicles traveling on Pendleton Avenue.

The first picture below is a rendering of future improvements. The second is an aerial photo showing progress as of February 2025. In Stage 3, crews will construct the roundabout and the road to the new overpass.

Rendering of future Steilacoom DuPont-Road roundabout
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New Mounts Road traffic signal

To improve travel time, WSDOT is installing a new traffic signal at the southbound I-5 exit to Mounts Road. The new signal will replace the existing all-way stop.

To prepare for the new signal, crews built a new wall between the Mounts Road exit and southbound I-5. The area creates space for the signal and electrical components. After workers complete this phase, activities will pause until parts for the signal can be manufactured and delivered. The new traffic signal is expected to be operational by late 2025.

Photo showing construction of the new wall between the Mounts Road exit and southbound I-5.

What’s next

As the project progresses, we will share updates about upcoming work and milestones, including:

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