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WSDOT online open houses

What’s next

WSF will continue tribal and agency engagement and finalize the PEL study this year, summarizing the results of the planning study. The Federal Highway Administration will then confirm WSF’s alternative and level of environmental review for the NEPA/SEPA process.

After finishing the NEPA/SEPA environmental review process, the project will move into the design and construction phase.

The Legislature has authorized $94 million toward replacing the Fauntleroy ferry terminal. WSF will continue seeking more state and federal funds needed to build the project.

To support safe and efficient loading and unloading, WSF will also continue the process of improving the safety of the terminal intersection with Fauntleroy Way SW. WSF is working with Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to add a signal to the intersection. The signal will be designed and operated to balance the needs of neighborhood traffic, buses and ferry traffic. WSF will move ahead with designing and building a new traffic signal ahead of the larger terminal project to make it easier and safer for people to get to the terminal.

WSF plans to begin construction of the intersection improvements in late 2025 and complete construction by mid-2026.

Stay informed

Visit the project website to learn more and sign-up for email updates to stay involved as this work moves forward. Please send your questions and comments anytime by email to

Phot showing the view of the terminal and Puget Sound from Cove Park
A view of the terminal from Cove Park