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Share your thoughts with us

On a scale of 1 to 5, how safe do you currently feel walking along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)

How frequently do you use the sidewalks along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)?

Do you think there are enough crosswalks along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)?

What features would encourage you to walk more often along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)? Check all that apply

Are there any specific locations along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur) where you feel unsafe or uncomfortable walking?

How do you typically access Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)? Check all that apply

Would you support reducing vehicle lanes or shoulder widths on Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur) to make room for wider sidewalks or bicycle lanes?

Do you think the speed limit on Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur) should be reduced to improve pedestrian safety (currently 35 mph)?

How often do you encounter obstacles or barriers (such as parked cars blocking sidewalks) while walking along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)?

Would you support the installation of more pedestrian-oriented features (e.g., street furniture, public art) along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)?

Do you feel that the current maintenance of pedestrian infrastructure along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur) is adequate?

What suggestions do you have for improving pedestrian access and safety along Omak Avenue (SR 155 & SR 155 Spur)?

+ 2 = 5