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WSDOT online open houses

Study Purpose and Need

Purpose and Need statements

The Purpose and Need statement is the foundation of a PEL study. The Purpose explains the problem that WSDOT is trying to solve. The Need includes the supporting data and information that shows a problem currently exists or is likely to occur. The Purpose and Need and potential environmental impacts provide the basis for developing screening criteria for evaluating the range of alternatives considered in a PEL study. Alternatives that do not meet the Purpose and Need are eliminated from future consideration.

The study team developed overarching goals that align with the Purpose and Need. These goals will help guide the PEL study and the development of alternatives.

WSDOT is working with advisory groups, tribes, and study partners to develop and refine the draft Purpose and Need. Please share your thoughts on the Purpose and Need on the Share your input page.

Draft purpose statements for the study

Photo of cards driving on SR 3 at dusk. The study area experiences regular congestion due to lack of capacity and multimodal options.
The study area experiences regular congestion due to lack of capacity and multimodal options.

Draft need statements for the study

The following need statements support the purpose statements above.


Safety performance

Active transportation

System resiliency

Please share your thoughts on these Purpose and Need statements on the Share your input page.