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I-5 – Tributaries to Friday, Lake & Chuckanut Creeks – Fish Passage


Beginning in late April 2025, the Washington State Department of Transportation will start construction to remove 17 barriers to fish passage and replacing those barriers with 10 new, structures that fish can swim through in south Whatcom and north Skagit counties. This work improves stream connectivity for Unnamed tributaries to Friday Creek, Lake Creek, Unnamed tributary to Lake Creek, and Chuckanut Creek along a 6-mile stretch of Interstate 5, south of Bellingham and north of Burlington.

Map of the I-5 Tributaries to Friday, Lake & Chuckanut Creeks – Fish Passage project area

Project overview

This project represents another milestone in WSDOT’s continued efforts to remove fish barriers and restore fish passage to streams throughout Washington State. The goal of the project is to replace existing fish barrier crossings with structures that allow fish to pass through.

This project will affect the I-5 corridor near the following mileposts between Bellingham and Burlington: