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WSDOT online open houses

Project purpose

The Fauntleroy ferry terminal in West Seattle serves nearly 2.3 million riders per year, supporting Washington State Ferries’ “Triangle” route between Fauntleroy, Southworth and Vashon Island. The terminal was built in the 1950s and needs significant work to preserve the terminal and maintain safe and reliable ferry service.

The terminal faces several challenges, including:

Photo showing debris below the terminal
Rising sea levels risk damage to the terminal
from debris during high tides.

The purpose of this project is to improve operations on the Triangle ferry route and preserve and upgrade the terminal facilities consistent with WSF’s 2040 Long Range Plan. All alternatives WSF considered address core issues to maintain safe, reliable and efficient service for our customers.

Overview of PEL process

We are using a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) process to identify transportation issues, environmental concerns, community values during project planning.

Graphic showing Community and advisory group meetings 2019 - 2031. PEL process is wrapping up in 2025, followed by NEPA/SEPA and Design/Construction 2027-2031
WSF is wrapping up the PEL study.

The PEL study began in 2021. The project team used technical analysis and input from the community and advisory groups to select an alternative to refine further in environmental review.  

Graphic showing the screening process. We are currently at the end of Level 3 screening, followed by identification of an alternative to advance to the NEPA/SEPA process
WSF has identified an alternative to advance to the NEPA/SEPA environmental review process.

The PEL process included several rounds of screening to evaluate alternatives. WSF completed Level 1 and Level 2 screening in 2021 and 2022, resulting in two main options: replacing the terminal at the existing location with either a similar size dock or a larger dock. After completing Level 2 screening, WSF refined a set of six detailed alternatives for further evaluation and screening. WSF recently completed Level 3 screening to identify an alternative. WSF considered things like traffic conditions, environmental considerations and ways to make terminal operations safer and more efficient for everyone. The project team also studied Good To Go! (GTG!) and advance ticketing as potential options to improve operational efficiency.

WSF will wrap up the PEL study report in 2025, summarizing the results of the planning process, including the decision to advance a dock footprint based on the B Alternatives forward to the National and State Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA) environmental review process. We will further refine and study potential environmental impacts and benefits of this alternative in more detail during NEPA/SEPA.

WSF will continue engaging all three Triangle route communities throughout the project.  

Environment around the terminal

Aerial photo with topographical overlay showing location of Eelgrass near the terminal and the scour hole
The Fauntleroy terminal is located in an environmentally sensitive area.

In developing and evaluating each alternative, WSF must consider important environmental resources and features near the terminal, including:

Photo showing the underside of the dock, including timber piles
The aging dock is supported by 430 creosote-treated timber piles.