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WSDOT online open houses

Approach to Level 3 screening

WSF completed Level 3 screening and recommends replacing the terminal with a longer, narrow dock layout that holds between 124 and 155 vehicles. This dock footprint, based on the B Alternatives, improves operational efficiency and minimizes environmental impacts by moving the ferry slip to deeper water, providing a greater opportunity to restore eelgrass and macroalgae around the dock. WSF will continue to refine the footprint during environmental review.

Diagram showing dock footprint based on the B Alternatives, with space to hold 124-155 vehicles on the dock and an opportunity to restore eelgrass.
WSF recommends a dock footprint based on the B Alternatives.

As a reminder, WSF developed concepts that replace the terminal at a similar footprint as the existing terminal (Alternatives A, A-1, A-2 and A-3) and concepts that expand the terminal to provide more on-dock vehicle holding capacity (Alternatives B, B-1, B2, B-3 and C). Read on for more information about the Level 3 screening process and results. To learn more about the alternatives WSF considered, review the Level 3 Alternatives Summary (PDF 3.4MB).

Common features of terminal alternatives

All dock concepts follow WSF’s Terminal Design Manual and include these elements:

Graphic showing common ferry terminal features including: terminal building, towers, trestle, bridge seat,  transfer span, apron, wingwalls and dolphin
Common features of a ferry terminal

Community engagement

This section outlines what we’ve heard from the communities we serve.

Graphic showing how WSF has been gathering community feedback: seven community meetings with 327 attendees, 1,300 comments, 2 online open houses with 2,915 unique views and 32 advisory group meetings
Diagram of PEL study input, including executive advisory group, technical advisory group, tribal input, community input and community advisory group
The PEL study is informed by a variety of input.

WSF’s decision to advance a dock footprint based on the B Alternatives is the result of an extensive public engagement process. Since 2021, WSF has received more than 1,300 comments and hosted seven community meetings, 32 advisory group meetings, and two online open houses.

WSF heard from all three Triangle route communities through the PEL study. See a summary of community feedback in the “what we heard” graphic below.

Graphic showing what was heard from Triangle route communities: Southworth community members prefer a larger dock that prioritizes efficient loading and reliable service; Vashon Islanders support a large dock that holds more vehicles, improves operational efficiency and increases terminal accessibility; Fauntleroy neighbors prefer a similar-sized dock that maintains the neighborhood character and minimizes impacts to Cove Park and the surrounding environment